It's time to get ready for the fourth annual NIFS Slim It to Win It program! For those of you who have never participated in Slim It before, or those of you who have loved it so much in the past that you keep coming back, 2014 is your year to use this program to help reach your fat-loss goals, like so many others:
“I was told I had a pre-diabetic condition. The first year I participated in the "Slim It" program I lost 15 pounds and dropped 5 points in the BOD POD. This year I lost another 5 points.”*
“Christmas vacation I went a little overboard. I decided it was time to get back to it and get into shape.”
“I finally fit into pants I have not worn for 2 years. I also never take naps anymore. It is quite amazing what eating right and working out will do for your self-esteem.”*
Slim-It is a 10-week group training program and competition geared toward fat loss. The top team, top male, and top female winners receive a 3 month FREE membership to NIFS!
What Slim It to Win It Includes
The program includes the following:
- Pre and post BOD POD analysis
- Contact with Registered Dietician Angie Scheetz
- 20 group training sessions at NIFS with a Health Fitness
Specialist geared toward weight loss
- Team relay during week five of training
- Grand Finale with food, fitness, and awards
- Weekly newsletter with helpful success tips
- Program t-shirt
A pre- and post- BOD POD test is required for each participant. Along with your pre BOD POD, you will be given a three-day food log to complete prior to your first week of training. Your coach will submit your food log to the Registered Dietician, who will give you some general feedback and tips for success. Along with this, she will contact you once during the duration of the program to check on your progress and answer any of your questions!
Important Dates
Visit the service desk between January 27 and February 6 to sign up for the program this year. There will be eight teams with a maximum of 15 people per team. Spots will fill up fast, so be sure to sign up early! Team training sessions will be twice a week beginning February 10 and ending April 18.
Don’t miss this opportunity to enjoy a fun fitness atmosphere with a group of individuals with the same goals as your own!
Visit the NIFS website for more information about all of the upcoming NIFS programs for 2014. We look forward to having you as a part of another successful program this year!
*Weight loss claims and/or individual results vary and are not guaranteed.
This blog was written by Stephanie Kaiser, NIFS Health Fitness Specialist and coordinator of the Slim It to Win It program. Meet our bloggers.