Fit & Forty+ (Fabulous) Series—Increasing Your Metabolism with Strength Training (Dumbbell Workout)
For the fourth, and final, workout in this series we are going to be using dumbbells.
Dumbbell training is another in the line of adding more weight to your moves to make you stronger and to fire up your lean muscle mass. Dumbbells are easy to find in varying sizes, but as with the kettlebell, you do not need to buy a pair of them. I would go with a light weight for pressing moves and heavier for any leg moves you will be doing. If it feels “manageable” to lift over your head in the store go a bit heavier (2-5lbs). You can do less repetitions and more sets.
Remember we want to get strong, burn a ton of calories, and be able to move about your day easier. It is not “hard” but it will be a “challenge” that we all can conquer.
If you have just joined this series please be sure to go back and read all the blogs including:
Foam Rolling and Increasing Your Range of Motion
Increasing Metabolism with Strenght Training (Band Workout)
Increasing Metabolism with Strenght Training (Kettlebell Workout)
Increasing Metabolism with Strenght Training (Bodyweight Workout)
Ready to get started with an exercise program designed for you? Schedule an appointment with Kris by contacting her at 317-274-3432 or email.
This blog series was written by Kris Simpson BS, ACSM-PT, HFS, personal trainer at NIFS. To read more about Kris and NIFS bloggers click here.