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NIFS Healthy Living Blog

Finding Your Balance: Juggling Academics and Fitness

GettyImages-1371148660-1Starting school can be exciting and overwhelming. Whether it is meeting new people, trying to manage a demanding class schedule, handling new responsibilities, or facing academic pressure, balancing everything can seem challenging. Many students also want to focus on their personal fitness goals but struggle to find time to manage with everything else going on. However, finding a balance between academics and health can be extremely beneficial for you, both physically and mentally. Here are some tips on how to manage both your academics and fitness goals. 

Prioritize Your Schedule

This is a key point when creating that balance between academics and fitness. Start off by planning your class schedule with your free time, and implement time for both your study hours and exercise. Use a planner or calendar to track your commitments, blocking off time for classes, studying, and your workouts. Prioritizing your exercise time should be as important as a class or meeting, treating it as a non-negotiable to hold yourself accountable.

Optimize Your Workouts

Your workouts do not have to be hours on end at the gym, especially if you are already pressed for time in your schedule. Focus on short, effective workouts, such as a 30-minute high-intensity interval training (HIIT), a 2–3-mile run, or a heavy lifting day with low rest time intervals. Consider your workout type when deciding your workout space, such as your local gym, dorm room, or the outdoors.

Combine Studying and Fitness

Using stationary bikes or treadmills can also be a great exercise to be able to study, take notes, and listen to recorded lectures, or audiobooks. Try to find ways to implement studying time with different exercises so you don't have to sacrifice any studying time.

Fitness Classes and Social Time

Most colleges offer a wide variety of fitness classes, such as here at NIFS! These classes can range anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour, giving you some direction if you are unsure of what to do. This is also a great opportunity to meet new people and create new relationships and open new doors to things you may not have known beforehand.

Adjust Accordingly

Your schedule will change as the year goes on, so you want to make sure you can be flexible with it and make adjustments as you see fit. Consistency is key, don't let a few hiccups in your schedule take away from your motivation to stay on track.

Balancing your academics and fitness may initially be challenging, but once you start to create that consistency, you will notice a significant improvement in your overall health and lifestyle. Learning how to do this early on will help you achieve a much healthier, well-balanced lifestyle that you can follow all through college.

Group Fitness Schedule

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