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NIFS Healthy Living Blog

Why High-intensity Interval Training Could Be For You

HITMore and more in today’s society, people have one resource that seems like it is only getting stretched out thinner and thinner: time. Too many of us seem to be cramming more and more things into our lives, whether that be work-related events, personal interests, or family events. With this ever-growing list of things we have taking time out of our day, many have to choose between stuff they need to get done and things they want to get done. One thing we all know we should do but sometimes choose to skip because of time constraints is exercising.

Now, we all know exercising is something everybody should do. The Centers for Disease Control recommends that every adult who is able to, exercise at least 150 minutes per week, and for many it can be more. But a good amount of people fall out of this group because they simply do not have enough time to exercise.

What is a way someone can get the most efficient exercise output in as little time as possible? The possible solution could be high-intensity interval training, or HIIT (aka HIT)! HIIT is a training technique that is all about intense bursts of exercise, followed by short recovery periods. The idea behind this type of training is that with these short bursts of exercise, the heart rate can remain elevated much higher in shorter time than traditional training.

Incorporating HIIT into Your Workouts

With the definitions out of the way, we can look at just some of the ways you can incorporate HIIT training into your daily fitness lifestyle. Many people opt for the route of either aerobic or resistance-style HIIT. Aerobic is more focused on cardio and increasing cardiac output, whereas resistance has a bit more to do with working the muscles of the body with varying degrees of weight.

Now which style is the best? That depends on what your goals are. But either will be a great route to choose to try and spike that heart rate and get in a great workout without too much time commitment.

The best thing about this type of training is that it can be anything you want it to be. For example, you can elect to do a sprinting-focused workout, or biking, rowing, swimming, etc. The idea is not behind what exercise you do, but rather how you’re doing the workout.

15-minute Bodyweight HIIT Workout

Here is a simple example of an introductory HIIT workout.

3 Rounds: 45 seconds each exercise with 15 seconds of rest

  1. High Knees in Place
  2. Squats
  3. Push-ups
  4. Dips
  5. Crunches

Don’t Skip Your Workout!

So the next time you are a little low on time and debating whether or not to skip a workout, high-intensity interval training could very well be the answer you’ve been looking for in order to keep up that consistency!

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The blog was written by Ricky Rocha, NIFS Health Fitness Specialist. To read more about the NIFS bloggers, click here.

Topics: workouts muscles resistance HIT high intensity aerobic HIIT efficiency cardio workout

Movement Pattern Variations: The Squat

In this blog series, I have discussed the four movement patterns for building muscle and broken them down further with exercise examples you can add to your workouts. Then we discussed two upper-body movement pattens, the pull and the push. In this post I discuss the squat pattern, our first lower-body movement pattern.

GettyImages-1370779476newThe Squat Movement Pattern

The squat movement pattern is a compound movement that works the muscles of the upper legs including the quadriceps and glutes. The squat pattern is an essential movement for your activities of daily living. We use this pattern to sit, to stand, to pick things up off the floor, to walk up the stairs, and for many other activities. It is essential to train this pattern to maintain your lower-body strength as you age to maintain muscle mass and prevent falls. 

Training the squat movement pattern to a full range of motion can also improve your flexibility and bone mineral density. Learning how to squat properly, and to a full range of motion, is essential in a well-rounded training program. Within your training plan you can break this movement into bilateral and unilateral patterns. Bilateral means both legs working at the same time, and unilateral means one leg at a time. Utilizing both bilateral and unilateral patterns will ensure you are not creating any imbalances between your legs.

Squatting Variations


  • Barbell Back Squat
  • Barbell Front Squat
  • Goblet Squat
  • Leg Press
  • Zercher Squat
  • Hack Squat Machine


  • Split Squat
  • Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat
  • Front Foot Elevated Split Squat
  • Walking Lunge
  • Step Back Lunge
  • Step-Ups

Quadricep Isolation Movements

  • Leg Extension
  • Banded Terminal Knee Extension

Get Training Help at NIFS

For more information on how to properly progress and structure a training program, visit our staff at the track desk to schedule a private session. We are more than happy to help at any time, and as part of your membership here at NIFS, you receive complimentary workout programs. Our Health Fitness professionals tailor all programs to your fitness goals.

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This blog was written by Evan James, NIFS Exercise Physiologist EP-C, Health Fitness Instructor, and Personal Trainer. To learn more about the NIFS bloggers, click here.

Topics: training exercises muscle building squat movement patterns isolation exercises

The Social Benefits of Running with a Group (part 2 of 2)

A while back I shared this blog with six reasons to run with a group rather than alone. Here are six more reasons.


  • Group running can help with boredom. Although sometimes alone time is nice when running on your own, group runs fly by much faster. You are more likely to explore new routes when running with a group, which will definitely make your runs more interesting.
  • You will feel a sense of community. Whether you are racing together, volunteering at a race, or cheering on your teammates, it is enjoyable and rewarding to be connected with likeminded people and to be part of something bigger. Runners can really relate to each other and are supportive of one another through running (and non-running) ups and downs. Runners feel certain emotions and find humor in things that only fellow runners can understand. These bonds make runners feel like they are part of a special, tight-knit community.
  • You will expand your social circle. Running with a group is a great opportunity to meet people with similar interests. Many people have met their spouse, significant other, or close friends through a running group or club.
  • It is safer to run with others. Attackers or harassers are not likely to go after a group. You are less likely to get lost if you are with a group, and even if you do take a wrong turn, you have each other to figure out how to find your way. If someone in the group gets injured or sick, there is always someone there to help.
  • You will discover new routes. People like to share ideas, and even if your running group friends live in the same neighborhood, you are all likely to come up with different running route suggestions. Sometimes you think you know the area, and all of sudden a friend offers a route that will boost and spice up your running. A single new route or a tweak to an existing one can keep your running mind fresh for weeks. As a group you may decide to travel to different spots and explore them when running. Individual runners tend to drive to different locations away from home to explore and experience different running scenery. 
  • Entering team events is easier if you are part of a running group. Being a part of group running puts you just one application form away from racing events. The entire group is unlikely to be granted places behind the start line at the coveted Indy Mini Marathon, but there are many races across most of the countries in the world where a bunch of friends can have a great day out. Cross-country is a firm favorite everywhere, but there are also races where you will be running laps, and relay races where you are taking turns with your friends, each running a certain distance. Friends can also join ultra races where you can run, walk, eat, rest, walk, then run some more (if you still can) for anything from 50K onward. There are multiple options out there. Get busy and have fun!

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This blog was written by David Behrmann, NIFS Health Fitness Instructor.To learn more about the NIFS bloggers, click here

Topics: running marathon training group training safety variety fitness community social aspects

How to Overtrain (DON’T Do It!)

Overtraining is a simple concept: just go hard for many days in a row without proper rest and recovery. I don’t recommend it. The effects of overtraining are:

  • Lack of sleep (although you should be exhausted)
  • Brain fog (can’t remember a thing)
  • Body soreness (little aches and pains)
  • Short of breath with everything (but I was gaining endurance)
  • Hungry and thirsty (but you don’t want to eat or drink)
  • Grouchy (everything and everyone will make you mad)

thumbnail_20230106_074106-1How I Did It

I needed a challenge: get in better shape, lose a bit of weight, just complete something. “It’s the end of the year,” I thought. “Why start January 1?” I went looking and found the Rapha 500K bike challenge. This was it for me, with a tweak. The challenge consists of 500K on your bike (inside or out) from Christmas to New Year’s Day. That is over 40 miles per day. I knew that would be too much (since I have not been on my bike in months), so I picked the 12 days of Christmas (one of my favorite Christmas songs!). That equates to just under 26 miles per day. I started a day early, on Christmas Day, so I gave myself another day to complete my task.

It was a quiet Christmas, so I got on my bike two times that day to get in over 25 miles. I did fear the pain of sitting the next day, but it was okay. I rode daily (or twice) as if it were my job. The fourth day my early leg soreness was gone, and I could actually sit on my saddle for 45 minutes to an hour every morning—though by that fourth day I was noticing being tired and not being able to sleep. As a fitness professional I know the importance of sleep, and I tried to get in naps. (I have perfected the 10-minute power nap). At night I could not fall asleep or stay asleep for more that a few hours at a time. I do have to get up early many days a week and keep my schedule as normal as possible.

I was thinking if I averaged 20mph it would only be a little over an hour to get in the amount needed for the day. Every morning I would sing that day’s part of the 12 days of Christmas over and over!

I knew my brain was foggy when during rides I would try to do the math and it always seemed like I was behind in numbers (yes, it took me a long time to figure out also that just like a 5K run is 3.1 miles, it would take 310 miles to get 500K).

I also couldn’t remember what my client’s workout was, although I just looked at their workout sheet. I often couldn’t remember who I was training next, or where my pen was (it’s in your hand, idiot). Focusing on anything for more than a few minutes WAS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Coffee only gets you so far.

I did try to hydrate before, during, and after workouts, but I always seemed thirsty in the evenings). As for the hydration, I drank a lot, so I had to go to the bathroom a lot. This made staying asleep a challenge as well.

I figured I could eat anything since I was burning calories by the hundreds (at least that’s what my hunger was telling me). Christmas goodies were not the best replenisher. (I had the idea I would eat super clean and see what it did for my body fat, but that idea went out the window with the cookies calling my name with every trip through the kitchen.)

I was short of breath in everything I did, but my endurance in other workouts was there. Oh yes, I kept up my HIT and strength sessions those 13 days as well. No rest for the weary, as they say.

The last two days were easy (ha!) in mileage terms. I went 15 miles at NIFS on the 11th day, which was almost interrupted by a fire alarm. “Unless I see smoke and flames, I’m not getting off this bike,” I said to no one in particular.

The 12th day (13th technically), I had an “easy” 10 miles, just like the Tour de France heading into Paris. UGH, nothing could be further from the truth. My legs ached and it seemed to take forever to finish. But with a sense of relief and sadness, I had finished what I started.

I still was not sleeping well for a few weeks after, and I was still hungry, because your body doesn’t know if you’re getting back on that bike again or not. It’s going to tell you to EAT!

I miss my bike, and it misses me I’m sure, but I got a new level of endurance, and my brain has come back to remembering (thank goodness). I do feel like this led to me catching a cold later. I just didn’t feel like total recovery was possible without more days off, better eating, and quality sleep.

Take on Your Own Challenge

Do push yourself, but also make sure you recover. That means REALLY LISTENING to your body. It is a magnificent machine it you take care of it.

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This blog was written by Kris Simpson, BS, ACSM-PT, HFS, personal trainer, and USTA at NIFS. To read more about the NIFS bloggers, click here.

Topics: muscles challenge overtraining biking christmas personal trainer brain soreness new year new you

Ultimate Glute Blog (Part 1of 2): Glute Anatomy and Function

In the age of social media, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the amount of information that is thrown at you each day. Put aside what you know about glute training for the time being and let's focus on two major keys to making progress in a specific area of the body:

  • The function of the muscles.
  • The exercises that target the muscle the best.

In part 1 of this blog, you will learn the anatomy and function of the glutes. In part 2 I will discuss proper programming to achieve the best results.

GettyImages-1367369306The Gluteal Muscles

The gluteal muscles are a group of four muscles: the glute maximus, the glute medius, the glute minimus, and the tensor fasciae latae. Although all animals have glute muscles, large, developed glute muscles are a characteristic of humans that has adapted from a two-legged locomotion. The primary function of the glute muscles is to abduct (to move away from the midline) and extend (kick back) the thigh at the hip joint. This group of muscles also assists in adduction (to move toward the midline), and external and internal rotation.

Glute Minimus

Starting with the smallest of the muscles, the glute minimus is the deepest of the four muscles. It acts in synergy with the glute medius to abduct and internally rotate the thigh at the hip joint. The glute minimus also helps stabilize the pelvis.

Glute Medius

The glute medius is deep to the glute maximus, but superficial to the glute minimus. The glute medius can be seen as a superficial muscle. Therefore, it is important to work the muscle actions of the medius to build well-rounded glute muscles. The glute medius abducts and internally rotates the thigh at the hip joint. It also stabilizes the pelvis and trunk during gait.

Glute Maximus

The glute max is the largest and most superficial of the glute muscles. This is the main muscle that provides the majority of the shape. Its function is to extend and abduct the thigh at the hip joint. The glute max also assists external rotation and adduction.

Tensor Fasciae Latae

The tensor fasciae latae is a fusiform muscle and is located on the anterolateral aspect of the thigh. It has a similar function to the glute medius, in that it abducts the thigh at the hip. It also plays a role in externally rotating the lower leg at the knee. Because it connects to the knee and hip joint, it assists in stabilizing the knee and hip.

Looking Ahead

Now that we have looked at what muscles we will be training, and what their functions are, we can choose exercises that specifically target those specific muscle actions. Our movements will primarily be ones that extend and abduct the thigh at the hip. In part 2 I will list the NIFS trainers’ favorite glute exercises, as well as how to organize them in your training for the best results.

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This blog was written by Evan James, NIFS Exercise Physiologist EP-C, Health Fitness Instructor, and Personal Trainer. To learn more about the NIFS bloggers, click here.


Topics: muscles strength training glutes anatomy

To Strongman Train or Not to Strongman Train? Here Are the Benefits

You may have seen the crazy events where men and women lift giant stones, carry logs, and pull vehicles. Did you ever think that this type of training might be exactly what you need to do to have better fitness results? Strongman workouts aren’t as intimidating as they seem. Let’s look at the benefits of Strongman training, and why you should start incorporating it into your training program.

Strongman liftingMuscle Mass Gains

There are two important factors in muscle mass building. First, you want to apply the strategic tearing down of the muscle tissue and the subsequent rebuilding via nutrition and rest. Strongman workouts provide the right amount of wear and tear on the muscle tissue to safely tear it down so that it can be rebuilt bigger and stronger than before. Second, growth hormone levels in your body enable a better recovery state and directly influence muscle growth. Heavy lifting, which is what Strongman workouts are all about, has been shown to result in a higher release of growth hormone, which can support muscle mass growth.

Increased Strength

When these athletes are carrying giant logs and moving Atlas stones, it almost goes without saying that they will notice changes in their strength levels. Strongman workouts are based on compound and functional movement patterns, which use several major muscle groups at the same time. Include this with a heavy weight load, lower repetitions, and higher sets, and you are likely to see strength gains. Studies show that Strongman workouts are just as effective as traditional resistance-based workouts at improving your strength levels. However, it’s not just your major muscle groups that will see the benefit; your grip strength will also improve a lot.

Improvement on Functional Movement Capacity

With a powerlifting workout, you are focusing on three exercises that begin at Point A and end at Point B. Many Strongman exercises take place in different planes of movement, which can help your day-to-day functional movement patterns. For example, when performing the Farmer’s Walk, you are holding heavy dumbbells or kettlebells and walking across the floor for a prescribed distance. Another example is carrying an Atlas stone; again, you are holding a heavy weight with proper posture and moving that weight. This translates into real-world benefits such as when you are carrying groceries, playing with the kids, or doing chores. Improving your functional movement capacity will result in a higher quality of life and a lower risk of injury.

Accelerated Fat Burning

As mentioned above, Strongman exercises activate several major muscle groups simultaneously. For example, the sled drag involves the quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, glutes, hip flexors, chest, arms, and core. That is a lot of muscle groups for one movement. The more muscles you use and the greater the intensity during the exercise, the more calories you will burn. Strongman workouts allow you to build muscle mass while helping you lean out. Studies show that compound movements, such as Strongman exercises, can help promote fat burning.

Smashing Through Plateaus

If you have been lifting for a while and you feel as if you are not progressing, consider Strongman workouts. The Strongman style of training pushes you outside of your box, challenges your muscles in a new way, and can potentially help you smash through your plateau. Incorporating a Strongman workout in place of your current traditional resistance training program will introduce a new set of stimuli for your muscles to adapt to. The heavy loads, unique movements, and overall demand on the body should be just what you need to see increases in strength, size, and power.

Preventing Injuries

Strongman workouts help build muscle mass that protects your internal organs. These workouts form strong connections between the muscular and central nervous systems. Most importantly, Strongman workouts strengthen the core, which is where all movement originates and where most injuries occur. A weak core is a recipe for bad news. Lower-back pain is the most common complaint in modern-day doctors’ offices. While the cause might be from a direct injury, most lower-back pain is the result of a weak core and overcompensating muscles. Strongman workouts strengthen the major muscle groups, improving your functional movement patterns and preventing injury.

Easy Transition to Other Sports

One of the benefits of Strongman is that this type of training is not limiting. You can use Strongman workouts as a foundation and then hop to other forms of training such as powerlifting, bodybuilding, or CrossFit. Everything you learn and do in Strongman will apply to many other forms of sports, training, or physical activity. With Strongman workouts, you are simultaneously building a lean and muscular physique, which makes it ideal for bodybuilding. You are also developing incredible raw power, which is ideal for powerlifting. Finally, the explosive strength you gain will be useful in a CrossFit WOD (workout of the day).

If you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced in your fitness journey, consider starting to add Strongman training to your fitness program in some shape or form. You will be able to build a strong foundation for your fitness routine that will benefit you for years to come.

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This blog was written by David Behrmann, NIFS Health Fitness Instructor. To learn more about the NIFS bloggers, click here.

Topics: workouts injury prevention core CrossFit powerlifting muscle mass muscle building strength training functional movement building muscle plateaus fat loss strongman

Make Plans to Stay Healthy During the Colder Months (Part 1)

The New England Journal of Medicine published a study of adults showing that the average holiday weight gain was .37 kilograms, or just under a pound, and more than half the people in the study stayed within a kilogram, or just over two pounds, of their other weigh-ins. Now that the holidays are over, you can lose that weight and stay healthy during the long colder months. Here are five healthy habits to get started with.

GettyImages-11401931651. Do make a plan to manage your stress level.

A good place to start is finding ways to ease stress and anxiety when they occur, or even before. That may mean doing yoga or meditation, taking a hot bath or shower, listening to music, or even just calling a friend to catch up.  Just 10 minutes of stress relief can help you feel more relaxed and make it less likely that you will turn to food. If you’re having trouble finding time to unwind, mark a daily 10-minute stress break on your calendar and tag it with an alert—then treat it like you would an important appointment and don’t miss it.

2. Don’t skip meals to “save up” for a big dinner.

Some people skip meals to “save up” calories for a big dinner or party, but this approach may backfire and lead to overeating later. Instead, limit your intake to an eight-hour window of time each day. This has been shown to be an effective weight-maintenance strategy. You can even try having a lighter breakfast and lunch at your usual times, making sure they incorporate a lot of vegetables and proteins with minimal carbs. For example, you might have a cup of Greek yogurt for breakfast, a green salad with grilled chicken and light dressing for lunch, and then let yourself enjoy the evening feast.

3. Do eat your foods in a specific order.

It helps to have a plate of salad or vegetables before anything else. These low-calorie and high-fiber foods will help you fill up before you dive into the higher-calorie options. Next, have some type of lean protein. If you are going to have carbs (such as potatoes, chips, rice, pasta, bread, or a sweet dessert), save them for the end of your meal. By then, you’ll be less hungry and the protein you’ve eaten will slow your digestion a bit, so you’ll feel full for longer afterward.

4. Don’t forget that beverages count.

An easy way to cut calories is to avoid drinks like regular soda, juice, coffee drinks with added sugar, and alcoholic beverages. Also, try to aim for six to eight glasses of water per day. If you do decide to drink alcohol, choose spirits mixed with something without added sugar, such as seltzer or diet tonic water, rather than beer, wine, or mixed drinks. Or stick to a drink that has only about 100 calories per serving. Do keep in mind that alcohol can lower inhibitions and make you more likely to indulge, so limit yourself to one or two drinks, and have a glass of water after each one.

5. Do give in to your cravings (somewhat).

Controlling diet and weight is a balancing act. Completely cutting out dessert and sweets is simply unrealistic. This can lead to binging or eating more than you’d like to. If you are really craving your favorite sweet, let yourself have some. Remind yourself that this won’t be your last dessert ever and try to put the fork down after one slice—or a few bites, if you’re satisfied by that.

Check back soon for the next 5 ideas (part 2) for how to stay healthy during these colder months.

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This blog was written by David Behrmann, NIFS Health Fitness Instructor. To learn more about the NIFS bloggers, click here.

Topics: nutrition healthy habits weight loss healthy eating calories weight management winter protein sugar

The Social Benefits of Running with a Group

DSC_4644Running with others is one of the most effective strategies for creating a running habit and continuing it. The social benefits of running are among the biggest reasons why runners start and stick with running. Whether you’re running with one friend or a running group, here are some ways you can benefit from group running.

  • You’ll have group role models. People naturally start to adopt the habits of those around them. Spending time with other runners will help you form a running habit because you’ll start to mirror your running friends’ habits.
  • You’ll motivate each other. With a running group, you get regular encouragement. Members encourage each other at races and during long runs. You’ll be more motivated to stick to your training because you’ll hold each other accountable. It’s harder to skip a workout when you know others are waiting for you.
  • You’ll feel a sense of belonging. Being part of a cohesive team can you give a sense of purpose and help you make new and meaningful connections.
  • You’ll get creative stimulation. It’s fun to share ideas when running with a group. You can bounce ideas off your running friends and ask them for advice.
  • Your performance will improve. Everyone flourishes with a little healthy competition. When you’re running with others who are pushing you to run faster and harder, it’s easier to take it to the next level. When running alone, you may be tempted to cut your workout short; when others are depending on you, however, you’ll want to do the entire workout, and maybe even a little extra.
  • You can network. Running with people you know is a great way to network and build your professional relationships in an informal way. You’ll develop a camaraderie with other runners that’s difficult to replicate in an office or other work setting. Building and strengthening relationships through running may lead to a new job or other opportunities. Many runners have found new jobs or made important professional connections through running.

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This blog was written by David Behrmann, NIFS Health Fitness Instructor.To learn more about the NIFS bloggers, click here

Topics: motivation running group training accountability athletic performance habits social aspects networking

Finding the Motivation to Work Out

GettyImages-1164633763Let’s be real. We aren’t always motivated to work out, and sometimes it’s hard to find that motivation. It’s even harder to find motivation when you don’t even enjoy exercise. It’s important to learn why getting active is so important, and it all starts with changing your mindset about it.

So Why Exercise in the First Place?

There are hundreds of good reasons why it’s important to stay active, but here are a few reasons that you might not know of.

  • Exercise charges you up. Thirty minutes or more of vigorous exercise releases endorphins to the brain, giving you energy and an intense natural high. This can help you have more energy for your everyday activities and keeps you going.
  • Exercise can help your positivity. Studies show that exercise is a great way to help manage depression. It not only releases endorphins, but it also helps clear your mind of stress, confusion, and worry
  • Exercise can help with your social life. Exercising with others who are going to the gym for Group Fitness classes can be a great way to meet new people and help each other stay motivated.
  • Exercise helps you sleep. Working the body and clearing the brain ensures a good night’s sleep. It can help regulate problematic sleeping patterns.

Switch Your Mindset

The biggest key to staying motivated with exercise is trying to switch your mindset. If you really dislike the idea of exercise, you need to switch the way that you’re thinking, or you’ll never get up and get active. Start to think of exercise as “being active” or “feeling healthy.” A great way to start is to increase the overall amount of movement and activity in your day. For example, you can start by walking 10,000 steps per day. You also don’t have to work out in a gym. Of course, gyms are useful and have a lot of equipment, but some days you can go outdoors or ride a bike. You can also try yoga or dancing as another method to stay active. At NIFS, we offer a variety of different Group Fitness classes to fit your needs and wants, so you are never bored or tied down to one form of exercise.

Small Steps

Sometimes you just have to take small steps to keep motivated. For instance, laying out your workout clothes or packing your gym bag the night before can remove several barriers in the number of decisions you need to make the next day. Or you can even have your gym bag in your car ready for the next day! You can also give yourself achievement awards, such as your favorite drink or new workout shoes. Use it as your motivation to get your workout done so that you can reward yourself with something you enjoy. Maybe you can even try a lunchtime workout. This will allow you to mix it up with some outside lunchtime training, and it can be an awesome way to experience natural light in your workout. Consider taking a brisk walk around the block or doing a quick HIIT workout before you go back to work.

Find What Works for You

The key is to really find what works for you. What might work for someone else might not be the right fit for you. Your health is your journey, and sometimes you must personalize it to make it worth it. Continue to try new things until you make your workout routine a habit. Remember that it’s okay to take rest days. But always get back up and fight the next day.

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This blog was written by Emily Lesich, NIFS Health Fitness Specialist. To learn more about the NIFS bloggers, click here.

Topics: staying active healthy habits motivation group fitness accountability HIIT outdoor exercise

Movement Pattern Variations: The Pull

GettyImages-1339637365In this blog series, I have discussed four movement patterns that training should fit into. I then went on to talk about scheduling a training plan using the four movement patterns, as well as going over the pushing movement pattern. In this blog I will discuss the next upper-body movement pattern on the list, the pulling movement pattern.

Pulling Movement Pattern

This movement pattern works the muscles of the latissimus dorsi, trapezius, posterior deltoid, and biceps. These muscles are all responsible for pulling objects toward our upper body. These muscle groups are essential for those of you who sit at a desk for the majority of your day job. Strengthening the muscles of your back will aid in maintaining an upright posture. 

Similar to the push pattern, the pulling movement pattern can be broken up further into a horizontal and vertical pull. A horizontal pull is one in which you are pulling the weight toward your torso (for example, rows); whereas a vertical pull is one in which you are pulling the weight down from overhead (for example, pulldowns).

Pulling Movements


  • Seated Cable Row
  • One-arm Cable Row
  • Bent-over Barbell Row
  • One-arm DB Bent-over Row
  • Chest-supported Row
  • TRX or Ring Rows
  • Upright Rows


  • Pullup
  • Chin-up
  • Lat Pulldown
  • One-arm Kneeling Lat Pulldown

Trap/Posterior Deltoid

  • Facepulls
  • Pullaparts
  • Rear Deltoid Flys


  • Barbell Curl
  • DB Curl
  • Cable Curl
  • Preacher Curl
  • Overhand Curl

Structure Your Training Program

For more information on how to properly progress and structure a training program, visit our staff at the track desk to schedule a private session. We are more than happy to help at any time, and as part of your membership here at NIFS, you receive complimentary workout programs. Our health fitness professionals tailor all programs to your fitness goals.

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This blog was written by Evan James, NIFS Exercise Physiologist EP-C, Health Fitness Instructor, and Personal Trainer. To learn more about the NIFS bloggers, click here.

Topics: workouts muscles upper body movement movement patterns pull training program pulling