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NIFS Healthy Living Blog

Elevate Your Summer Workouts with New Classes at NIFS

IMG_0476This summer just got 10x hotter with new and exciting group fitness classes for NIFS Fitness Center members! We are kicking off June with the addition of LIFTOFF and Girls Just Wanna Have Fun to our group fitness schedule. Coached by me, Kennedy, these classes are designed to engage members, introduce functional strength training, and more importantly bring you closer to your fitness goals. Let’s take a closer look at how these are formatted so you can have a better understanding of what to expect when you attend.

LIFTOFF: a strength and conditioning class designed to boost athleticism! The goal of this class is to improve speed, power, plyometrics, and mobility. It is the perfect complement for runners, bikers, rec league athletes, and anyone looking to improve their athletic abilities!

Formatted with plenty of variety, you can expect the same class structure each day with differing workouts. One day may consist of explosive lifts developing power, while day two might focus on sprints and speed training. By attending both offerings each week you will incorporate a good variety into your routine.

Mark your calendar for Mondays and Wednesdays at 9:00am (EST) to boost your athleticism with LIFTOFF!

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun: a functional, female-focused strength class designed to introduce you to weightlifting, improving form, and teaching proper body mechanics all while building strength in a FUN and INVITING atmosphere.

This class will give you more of a personal training feel but in a group setting. You can expect to have the support of others to build your confidence in the gym and in your abilities to lift weights in the gym.

Block your schedule on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:00am (EST) to spend an hour with your own girl gang in the gym!

Members have access to all our group fitness classes, if you are not a member and want to try group fitness try out our FREE Tabata in the Park offerings at White River State Park just behind the NCAA. Offered all summer long on Tuesdays and Thursdays at noon! Follow us on social media for updates on these offerings as they are weather permitting!

Group Fitness Schedule

Topics: group fitness building muscle group fitness culture athleticism

All About Plyometrics

GettyImages-512889187In the most basic definition, plyometrics refers to jump training. Known to be a key component of many sports, such as basketball, soccer, gymnastics, and football, plyometric training can enhance athleticism, strengthen the most powerful muscles in your body, and much more.

Here are some of the benefits of plyometric exercises, and how to safely add plyometrics to your workout routine.

The Benefits of Plyometrics

For you to propel your body off the ground and land safely, many things have to happen in your muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints. Studies show that plyometrics can help you build muscle as effectively as conventional weightlifting, and if you combine the two, it can help you reach your goals faster than focusing on either one alone. Also, the impact your body absorbs from landing has benefits for your bones: they become stronger.

If you are an athlete, plyometrics can improve your agility and explosiveness when it comes to fast-response moves, such as sprinting, quick direction changes on the field or court, and jumping (such as going for a header in soccer).

How to Get Started with Plyometrics

If plyometrics is new to your workout, as with anything you should start small. This is especially important for plyometric exercises. Correct form is crucial, as you need to both lift your body off the ground and control the landing. This dual action makes plyometric exercises more difficult and complex than most exercises. If you have a movement deficiency, it will be magnified when the speed and power of a jump are applied to it.

When learning a new plyometric move, you should first perform the move without the jump to perfect the form, strength, and stability that is required to do it correctly. Once you have all of that, you can then add the jumping movement. Another way to start small is to choose lower-impact plyometric exercises, such as jumping jacks, jumps in place, and line hops (side to side, forward, and back).

Do not ignore the upper body: plyometric pushups and medicine ball throws are great for building explosive power above the waist. Always be aware of your form. When you become tired, your form tends to suffer, and the risk of injury increases.

Is there anyone who shouldn’t do plyometric exercises? The short answer is no, as long as your doctor has not identified a reason why you should not (such as deteriorating joints or bad knees). If you are significantly overweight, gradually adding plyometrics is the key—and stay away from high-impact moves altogether. Remember that doing too much too soon—or doing advanced exercises before you are ready for them—can stress your joints, increasing your risk of injury.

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This blog was written by David Behrmann, NIFS Health Fitness Instructor.To learn more about the NIFS bloggers, click here


Topics: muscles plyometric athletic performance jumping jump training athleticism