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NIFS Healthy Living Blog

DEKA: Training with a Purpose at NIFS

Gathering inspiration from the Greeks’ history of gamification and pushing oneself to their physical and mental limits, DEKA, meaning “ten” in Greek, was created to be a staple of the popular Spartan Races. As an indoor fitness test, DEKA has impacted peoples’ lives because it forces them to go out of their comfort zones (physically and mentally) and face the challenge most people won’t. In this blog, I will share the significance and popularity of DEKA internationally, and within our NIFS facility.

Deka blogWhat Is the DEKA Challenge?

DEKA consists of ten zones and serves as a test of one’s functional abilities that simulates lifting, pushing, pulling, kneeling, rowing, biking, and more. The DEKA website states, “Think thousands of years ago when it wasn’t called exercise, fitness, or training. It was survival…” (DEKA Philosophy, 2022). The exercises that make up this challenge are the following:

  • 500M ROW
  • 500M SKI ERG

Why Should You Compete?

I don’t view DEKA, or any Spartan race for that matter, as a competition. Instead, it’s an opportunity to become an improved version of yourself both physically and mentally. In addition, DEKA provides a benchmark and significant milestone for your fitness journey because it will show you how you could improve your functional fitness going forward. For example, if the TANK PUSH/PULL is a significant challenge for you, improving your muscular endurance and leg power will be beneficial for the next fitness test.

Where Can You Compete?

NIFS has recently become a DEKA affiliate, meaning that we can host DEKA competitions within our facility. With the success of our first event in November, we’re excited to not only continue hosting but also to provide a training program for the events. For specific dates and descriptions of the various training sessions, visit our DEKA website here.

For more information regarding DEKA, detailed zone descriptions, and additional DEKA locations and hosts, visit the official DEKA website here.

DEKA Strong_Mile_FB_Jan-Mar 2024

This blog was written by Deveon Martin, NIFS Health Fitness Specialist. To read more about the NIFS bloggers, click here.

Topics: NIFS workouts NIFS programs challenge functional movement DEKA Spartan races

Functional Training for Longevity

GettyImages-1149242178Functional training is an excellent approach for longevity and maintaining a healthy lifestyle and functioning body because it emphasizes movements that mimic activities of daily living, enhance flexibility, and improve overall mobility. In this blog, you will learn about the different functional exercises that can contribute to your longevity, along with their benefits and daily function.

  • Squats: Squats, part of the big three essential power lifts, are an ideal functional movement because they mimic the motion of sitting down and standing up repeatedly on a day-to-day basis. The benefits include strengthening the lower body (quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes) and promoting improvement in ankle and hip mobility.
  • Lunges: Lunges are used primarily to replicate the function of climbing stairs, stepping onto or over something, and catching oneself from falling forward or backward. The benefits include strengthening the legs, hips, and glutes, and improving balance and stability.
  • Deadlifts: Deadlifts, as another part of the big three essential power lifts, are an ideal functional exercise because they simulate picking things up from the ground safely. This exercise targets the posterior chain, including the lower body, glutes, and hamstrings, which are all activated especially when lifting a heavy object.
  • Push-ups: Push-ups are one of the most essential and common movements needed for the ability to lift our body from the ground or external obstacle. This exercise targets muscles of the chest, shoulders, and triceps, thus promoting upper-body function and strengthening.
  • Pull-ups (or lat pulldowns): Pull-ups are another essential and common movement for the ability to lift oneself, like climbing a wall. A good alternative exercise is lat pulldowns, which simulate the same function.

One key piece of advice I would offer is to focus on proper form and start with the most appropriate intensity that is necessary for you and your fitness journey. Consistency is key, and as with any exercise program, it’s advisable to ask questions. Always consult the trainers and Health Fitness Specialists at NIFS. We would love to help you improve your form, give you exercise prescriptions, and make your fitness journey as comfortable as possible.

This blog was written by Deveon Martin, NIFS Health Fitness Specialist. To read more about the NIFS bloggers, click here.

Topics: functional training exercises functional movement deadlift lunges push-ups squat lifetime activities ADLs pull-ups

Unlock Your Fitness Potential: A Holistic Approach to Health

GettyImages-1198832507Happy New Year! As we embark on a journey to transform our lives through physical fitness, mental well-being, and a balanced lifestyle by exploring the components of a holistic approach to health that will help you achieve your fitness goals and lead a fulfilling life.

Physical Fitness

To kickstart your fitness journey, it's essential to incorporate regular physical activity into your routine. This can include activities such as

    • Cardiovascular exercise: Engage in activities such as running, cycling, or swimming to improve cardiovascular health and boost endurance.
    • Strength training: Building lean muscle not only increases your metabolism but also enhances your overall strength and posture.
    • Flexibility and mobility: Incorporate yoga or stretching exercises to maintain flexibility and prevent injuries.

Remember, consistency is key. Find an activity you enjoy, set achievable goals, and gradually increase the intensity to challenge your body and see progress.


A balanced diet is the cornerstone of any fitness journey. Here are some fundamental tips:

    • Eat whole foods: Opt for natural, unprocessed foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.
    • Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to support bodily functions and keep your energy levels up.
    • Practice portion control: Pay attention to portion sizes to avoid overeating and listen to your body's hunger and fullness cues.
    • Try meal planning: Plan your meals to ensure you make healthier choices and avoid relying on unhealthy snacks.

Mental Well-being

A healthy mind is just as crucial as a healthy body. Incorporate these practices into your routine:

    • Mindfulness meditation: Practice mindfulness to reduce stress, improve focus, and boost overall mental well-being.
    • Adequate rest: Ensure you get enough sleep each night to support physical recovery and cognitive function.
    • Stress management: Find effective ways to manage stress, such as yoga, deep breathing, or engaging in hobbies you enjoy.

Community and Support

Surround yourself with a supportive community. Share your fitness journey with friends and family, or join fitness classes or online groups where you can connect with individuals who have similar goals. Having a support system can provide motivation and accountability.

Goal Setting

Set realistic, achievable fitness goals. Break them down into smaller milestones to track your progress and stay motivated.

Consistency and Patience

Rome wasn't built in a day, and similarly, a healthy lifestyle won’t be either. Be patient and stay consistent with your efforts. Celebrate small victories along the way and remember that setbacks are a natural part of the journey.

A holistic approach to health encompasses physical fitness, nutrition, mental well-being, community, goal setting, consistency, and patience. Embrace this approach, and you'll be closer to achieving your fitness goals and cultivating a balanced life. Take that first step today, and unlock your fitness potential for a healthier, happier you. Your NIFS Health Fitness Specialist can help you get started.

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This blog was written by David Sebree, NIFS Health Fitness Specialist. To learn more about the NIFS bloggers, click here

The Importance of Sleep for Exercise Recovery

GettyImages-1446543144Roughly how many hours of sleep would you say that you average per night? Six hours? Ten hours? Now think about your fitness goals and the results you want to see from exercising. Are you where you would like to be, or are you on pace to get to where you would like to be? You can be doing everything correctly from the exercises that you perform, nutrition and supplementation, stress reduction, whatever it may be, and you aren’t quite getting the results you’re looking for.

The Stages of Sleep

What if I told you that the amount of sleep that you get in a night correlates to your recovery from exercise? In most cases, it is recommended that you get at least eight hours of sleep per night. This can vary depending on factors such as exercise intensity, frequency, and even your age, however. For the purpose of recovery, let’s stick with that eight-hour recommendation. Why is that the recommendation? There are four stages of sleep that cycle throughout the night. There is N1, N2, N3, and REM. Reaching N3 is essential for recovery, and it is important that your body spend enough time in N3 while the sleep stages are cycling. During this N3 stage of sleep, the body releases hormones that are essential for recovery at night. One of the hormones being released is Human Growth Hormone (HGH). HGH is essential because it acts on many tissues in the body, muscle tissue being the big one, and it helps promote healing and recovery. HGH also helps raise other hormones in the body that are essential to recovery such as Insulin-Like Growth Factor (IGF-1).

How Do You Know Whether You Are Getting N3 Sleep?

As I have said, these sleep stages are constantly cycling throughout the night. Have you ever had multiple dreams in a night? That likely means that you reached REM sleep at least twice that night, which is great because your body got enough time in a deep sleep state and enough time in that N3 stage. Back to that eight-hour recommendation. Although this can vary slightly, it has been found that sleeping eight hours allows the body to go through two to four sleep cycles on average, therefore giving the body enough time in N3 and enough time for the essential hormones to be released.

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This blog was written by David Sebree, Health Fitness Specialist. To learn more about the NIFS bloggers, click here.

Topics: sleep recovery results hormones

The Pros and Cons of Listening to Music While Working Out

GettyImages-611063522If you’re like me and absolutely love listening to music and discovering new artists, genres, etc., then I could bet that you most likely listen to music while you exercise. Combining music and workouts has become a common practice among fitness enthusiasts because it can provide a boost of motivation and energy for when you’re testing your one-rep max or just taking a brisk walk outdoors. However, in this blog I will discuss the potential drawbacks of listening to music during a workout/training session and, hopefully, it will make you think about how music (or no music) plays a role in your training.


Improved Athletic Performance

Music can help get you through some of your toughest workouts by improving your endurance and mentality and reducing perceived exertion. Finding the right playlist or song that fits with the intensity and tempo you plan to conquer will increase your chances of completing the exercise. (See some songs that NIFS trainers recommend here).

Mood Booster/Motivation

There’s nothing wrong with listening to your favorite workout jams to boost your mood and prep for a successful lift, run, or walk. In fact, listening to your favorite song(s) or playlist will improve your mentality going into the workout by significantly boosting both your motivation and confidence. Before I work out, I ALWAYS play my favorite songs to boost my mood and let my body know, “Hey, it’s almost time to work out and it’s time to get motivated!”

Decreased Chance of Fatigue

Listening to music improves your physical and mental endurance. Essentially, with music, you’ll most likely be able to lift more, run faster, and work harder. For example, say you’re doing a tempo run at a steady but challenging pace. Finding a playlist that matches your pace or cadence (steps per minute) will help you keep that mental toughness and complete the run.



For some athletes (powerlifters, for example), listening to music during their big lifts may be beneficial for successfully completing the weight. However, if those athletes are training for a specific powerlifting meet that doesn’t allow the use of personal music or playlists, those athletes will most likely have a disadvantage. On the other hand, as a runner who completed a half marathon in May, I was able to use and rely on music to get me somewhat (still can’t believe I finished…wow) to the finish line. Overall, it depends on what you’re training for and the expectations of your game, meet, race, etc.

Decreased Athletic Performance

I know, yes, I did say music can aid in improving one’s athletic performance, but we must think about what kind of athlete we’re dealing with. For an Olympic lifter, powerlifter, or endurance athlete (runner, cyclist, etc.), music can be used without significantly disrupting their athletic performance. However, a gymnast or athlete training in calisthenics listening to fast-paced and upbeat music wouldn’t be ideal since their training relies on coordination, stability, focus, and balance.

Distraction (Technique, Safety, Form, etc.)

Music, especially if it's immersive, can divert your attention from maintaining proper form or technique. This distraction is risky when performing exercises that require precise movement patterns. It's essential to remain mindful of your body's alignment and ensure that music does not compromise your workout effectiveness or increase the risk of injury.

Overall Boredom

While music can be entertaining, it may not always be sufficient to combat boredom or monotony during long workout sessions. Relying solely on music for stimulation might not provide the variety and mental engagement needed to stay motivated over time. It's important to incorporate a mix of exercise routines and seek other sources of motivation to keep your workouts interesting.

The Bottom Line

Listening to music while working out can have numerous benefits, including increased motivation, enhanced performance, and improved mood. However, it's crucial to be mindful of potential safety concerns and avoid dependency on music. Finding a balance that suits your preferences, exercise goals, and safety considerations is key. Experiment with different approaches and find what works best for you to optimize your workout experience!

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This blog was written by Deveon Martin, NIFS Health Fitness Specialist. To read more about the NIFS blogger, click here.

Topics: motivation running walking workouts powerlifting music mindset olympic weightlifting cadence

Activating Your Greatest Potential: Fascia Training for Athletes

GettyImages-1187356524(1)In an athlete’s world, every fraction of a second and inch of athletic performance are significant for them to play at their best on and off the field. However, being an athlete means consistently searching for innovative ways to elevate your game. This is where fascia training enters the conversation as one of the many ways of improving one’s athletic performance. Fascia training is an emerging topic that holds the promise of unlocking your untapped potential and improving your performance.

In this blog, you willet an introduction to the world of fascia, understand its role within your body, and see how and why fascia training can be what you need to enhance your athletic performance.

What Is Fascia?

Fascia is a connective tissue network that wraps around muscles, bones, and organs, providing structural support, and facilitating movement and proprioception (awareness of the position or movement of a specific part of your body within space). This intricate web of tissue plays a pivotal role in transmitting force and energy throughout the body. For athletes, optimal fascial health can lead to improved agility, explosiveness, and overall performance.

How Are Fascia and Athletic Performance Connected?

Fascia, having elastic properties, stores and releases elastic energy within the body during any movement. Within athletes, well-conditioned fascia can contribute to enhancing power output and efficiency like a coiled spring that can unleash explosive bursts of stored energy, enabling it to reach greater heights. This can make an athlete extremely efficient and powerful in their respective disciplines.

What Are Some Benefits of Fascia Training?

  • Improved Elasticity: Fascia training includes techniques that target myofascial release and dynamic stretching, resulting in fascia elasticity maintenance. This specific elasticity translates into more efficient movements, reduced risk of injury, and improved range of motion.
  • Enhanced Proprioception: Because proprioception is one of the properties of fascia, a well-conditioned fascial system will result in enhancements in proprioception. This improvement in proprioception will translate well into better balance, coordination, and agility. For example, gymnasts must have well-conditioned fascial systems for improved proprioception because they’re efficiently twisting, flipping, and turning in all directions during competition.
  • Injury Prevention: Engaging in fascia-focused exercises can help prevent injuries by maintaining the suppleness and resilience of the fascial network. In turn, this supports joint health and reduces the likelihood of strains and sprains.

How Can I Incorporate Fascia Training into My Daily Routine?

  • Dynamic Stretching: Incorporate dynamic stretching such as (but not limited to) high kicks, leg swings, walking lunges, and trunk twists. You will be stimulating the fascial system and promoting its elasticity.
  • Myofascial Release: By utilizing foam rollers, massage balls, or any tool to apply pressure to specific areas, you’re releasing tension and improving your blood flow within the fascial network, thus resulting in the system working more efficiently.
  • Plyometric Training: Plyometrics typically involves explosive movements that stress and “train” the fascial system within the athlete’s respective discipline(s). Exercises include box jumps, lateral bounds, high skips, and more, all of which have the goal of activating and improving the responsiveness of the fascial system.


Fascia training presents a groundbreaking avenue for athletes to tap into their full potential. By understanding the role of fascia in the body and implementing targeted training techniques, athletes can enhance their performance, reduce the risk of injuries, and elevate their overall athletic prowess. As the science behind fascia continues to evolve, athletes have an exciting opportunity to incorporate this innovative approach into their training arsenal, taking their achievements to new heights on the field, court, track, or wherever their specific discipline/passion lies.

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This blog was written by Deveon Martin, NIFS Health Fitness Specialist. To read more about the NIFS bloggers, click here.

Topics: injury prevention plyometric dynamic stretching proprioception fascia myofascial release

Fueling Your Workouts with Food

GettyImages-1299421209If you’ve been into fitness for a while, you likely know how important it is to fuel and replenish your body before and after exercise with the proper nutrition. However, you might be uncertain and confused about why, when, and what to eat and drink to optimize your workouts.

Before Exercise

Why: When digested, carbohydrates are turned to glucose, the body’s main energy source. Consuming a moderate-to-high amount of carbohydrates depending on the type, duration, and intensity of exercise will help you maintain consistent energy levels throughout. Additionally, adding a moderate amount of protein to your pre-workout meal or snack can “prime” your muscles and may help prevent muscle breakdown during exercise.

When: Within 1–3 hours of exercise (typically)

What: Moderate to high carbohydrate, moderate protein, fluids

Examples: Apple or toast (carb) with peanut butter (protein), Greek yogurt (protein) with berries and/or granola (carb), string cheese (protein) and crackers (carb), etc.

What NOT: Avoid fatty/greasy/fried, spicy, and fibrous foods because they may cause stomach upset during exercise.

After Exercise

Why: After exercise, you must replenish the carbohydrates used for energy and consume plenty of protein to aid in muscle repair. The more energy you use during exercise, the more carbohydrates you will want to replace. Similarly, the harder you work your muscles, the greater strain you put on them, the more protein you will want to consume to aid in recovery.

When: Within 1 hour of exercise (typically).

What: Moderate carbohydrate, moderate to high protein, fluids

Examples: toast (carb) with tuna, chicken salad, or eggs (protein); Greek yogurt or chocolate milk (protein) with fruit (carb), turkey lunch meat (protein) with veggies and dip (carb), protein shake/bar

All in all, the timing and amount of food required to properly fuel and replenish your body before and after exercise is highly dependent on the individual, the type of exercise being performed, and the individual’s goals. Speak with a registered dietitian to better understand your individualized nutrition needs.

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This blog was written by Lindsey Recker, MS, Registered Dietitian. To learn more about the NIFS bloggers, click here.

Topics: nutrition workouts recovery protein carbs

DEKA Training Program: Steps to Success

Starting a new DEKA training program requires careful planning and commitment. DEKA is a fitness competition that requires functional fitness to complete 10 Zones of activity. Here's a checklist to help you prepare for and embark on your DEKA training journey.

  1. 210916_Ball_BW-scaledSet Clear Goals: Define your specific DEKA goals, such as achieving a certain time, completing all the obstacles, or improving your overall fitness.
  2. Fitness Assessment: Evaluate your current fitness level by assessing your endurance, strength, and agility. This will help you gauge your starting point. Speak with one our Certified Personal Trainers to schedule your fitness assessment. 
  3. Join Our Facebook Group: Be sure to join NIFS DEKA Facebook group and be a part of our community of tips, tricks, and encouragement.  
  4. Hydration & Nutrition: Stay well-hydrated, especially during intense training sessions. Be sure to follow a well-balanced diet and look out for our nutritional tips in weekly newsletters.
  5. Gear and Equipment: Ensure you have the appropriate gear for DEKA, such as suitable running shoes, workout attire, and any necessary accessories for obstacle courses.
  6. Rest and Recovery: Schedule rest days and prioritize recovery methods like stretching, foam rolling, and adequate sleep.
  7. Track Progress: Keep a training journal to record your workouts, times, and any obstacles you encounter. Take progress photos! DO IT! It’s a wonderful way to track our progress. The scale does not always reflect our fitness gains. 
  8. Have Fun!! Remember to smile! Enjoy your journey – the highs and lows. Every step you take in the journey is one for the better 😊

DEKA training can be demanding, so it's essential to approach it with dedication, patience, and a commitment to improving gradually. As you work through our 6-week program, stay focused on your goals, maintain a positive mindset, and enjoy the journey of becoming a stronger and more capable athlete.

Ready to get started? Get registered for our 6-week DEKA training program! Training begins September 25, 2023. Prepare for NIFS first DEKA Strong event on November 11th!

DEKA Screenly

This blog was written by Tim Howard, NIFS Operations Manager, Ironman Triathlete, and hot dog connoisseur. To learn more about the NIFS bloggers, click here.

Topics: functional training training small group training high-intensity circuit training DEKA

DEKA: Train with a Purpose

220118_Austin_row-1-1NIFS is excited to become a DEKA affiliate and bring DEKA group training and a new DEKA Strong event to NIFS this fall. You might be familiar with Spartan obstacle races, well, DEKA training and events are part of the Spartan brand, but this programming provides training and fitness options and events for ALL levels.

The DEKA Zones

With 10 DEKA Zones, training provides a well-rounded functional test for all levels of fitness. Every zone is based on rudimentary movements that don’t require any specific training to complete. Just think thousands of years ago when it wasn’t called exercise, fitness, or training. It was survival. Lifting, carrying, pushing, pulling, kneeling, jumping/stepping/climbing over something, getting down on the ground and standing back up, and three basic forms of transportation – row, ski, & cycle.

No matter what your current fitness level is, you are an athlete who trains with the purpose of becoming a stronger version of yourself.

3 Weekly Workouts/3 Pillars

The DEKA training system is built on 3 pillars of fitness:

  • #1 Strength and Power (DEKA FORGE): 10 Zones, 4 rounds, 30 Seconds ON/30 Seconds OFF
  • #2 Anaerobic Conditioning (DEKA BURN): 10 Zones, 3 Rounds, 60 Seconds ON/30 Seconds OFF
  • #3 Endurance (DEKA GRIT): 10 Zones, 2 Rounds, 90 Seconds ON/30 Seconds OFF

These 3 weekly workouts will elevate your fitness, improve daily performance and prepare you for your first DEKA event.

6bf6bc99-a7df-4015-84bf-d962a928d958DEKA Group Training at NIFS

NIFS offers a 6-week DEKA training program that hits all 10 DEKA zones and helps participants track their progress. Nine training sessions will be offered each week, each class a different pillar. Attend at least three sessions a week, making sure to attend each pillar. Cost is $99 for members and $205 for non-members.

Training runs September 25th — November 4th and leads up to NIFS’s first DEKA Strong event on November 11th. All training session times are listed on our website. Click below to register.


Join us for free DEKA training preview days!

Try out the 10 zones and train for free at our preview days. September 18, 19 at 6-7a, 12-1p and 6-7p and again outside in White River State park on Sept 21 from 12-1p behind the NCAA building. Enter to win 6-weeks of DEKA training!

What Is a DEKA Event?

DEKA events are not just a competition, they are a milestone of your fitness journey. In the same arena, on the same day, using the exact standards, every level of fitness can come together and celebrate fitness.

  • DEKA STRONG: Fitness testing, assessment, and event featuring our 10 DEKA Zones with zero running.
  • DEKA MILE: A unique and memorable fitness challenge for the masses combining our DEKA Zones each preceded by 160 meters of running (1 mile total).
  • DEKA FIT: This Super Bowl of Fitness event combines ten functional training zones (DEKA Zones), each preceded by 500 meters of running (5k total).

NIFS will be hosting our first DEKA Strong event on November 11. We are excited to run this competition for members and non-members and look forward to bringing this event to our facility. Registration information for this event willing be coming soon.

Topics: circuit training

Three 30-Minute (or Less) Summer Dinner Recipes

As we head into late summer, balancing a busy schedule with healthy eating can be difficult. Here are three quick and easy dinner recipes you can make in less than 30 minutes, giving you more time for fun summer activities! 

GettyImages-1389858280Shrimp Sushi Bowl

Servings: 4

5 TB light mayonnaise
2 tsp red curry paste
10 ounces (2 standard packages) frozen riced cauliflower
3 TB sesame oil 
1½ lbs uncooked shrimp, peeled and deveined 
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 tsp salt 
1 medium ripe avocado, seeded, peeled, and sliced 
1 medium cucumber, sliced
½ cup julienned carrots 
2 green onions, thinly sliced
1 lime, sliced into wedges 

  1. In a small bowl, mix mayonnaise and red curry paste.
  2. Prepare riced cauliflower according to package directions.
  3. In a large skillet, heat oil over medium heat. Add shrimp and cook until pink, or about 5–7 minutes. Add garlic and salt and cook for 1 additional minute. Remove from heat. 
  4. Divide cauliflower among 4 bowls. Top each bowl with shrimp, avocado, cucumber, carrot, and green onion. Drizzle each bowl with curry mayonnaise mixture and garnish with lime.

Nutrition Facts: 377 calories, 22g total fat (3.5g saturated fat), 14g carbohydrate (5g fiber, 4g sugar) and 32g protein.

GettyImages-1204163374Grilled Zucchini Hummus Wrap (Vegan)

Servings: 2

1 zucchini, sliced 
Salt and pepper, to taste 
1 TB olive oil 
1 medium tomato, sliced (or 1 handful cherry tomatoes)
⅛ cup sliced red onion
1 cup kale
2 slices white cheddar cheese 
2 large tortillas 
4 tablespoons hummus (any flavor)

  1. Heat a skillet over medium heat. 
  2. Toss zucchini in olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Add to skillet and cook for 3 minutes before flipping and cooking for an additional 2 minutes. 
  3. Remove zucchini from skillet and reduce heat to low. Heat tortillas one at a time in skillet for 1 minute each. 
  4. Remove tortillas from skillet and assemble wraps with sliced zucchini, tomato, onion, kale, 1 slice of cheese, and 2 TB hummus. Wrap tightly and serve. 

Nutrition Facts: 366 calories, 20g total fat (6g saturated fat), 660mg sodium, 38g carbohydrates (7.5g fiber, 6g sugar), and 13.5g protein. 

GettyImages-927760516Chicken and Cucumber Lettuce Wraps with a Simple Peanut Sauce 

Servings: 4 (2 lettuce wraps per serving) 

¼ cup creamy peanut butter 
2 TB low-sodium soy sauce 
2 TB honey 
2 TB water 
2 tsp toasted sesame oil 
2 tsp olive oil 
3 scallions, sliced (separate whites and greens) 
1 Serrano pepper, seeded and minced 
1 TB minced fresh ginger 
2 tsp minced fresh garlic 
16 ounces ground chicken breast 
1 cup diced jicama 
16 Bibb lettuce leaves 
1 cup cooked brown rice 
½ medium English cucumber, thinly sliced 
½ cup fresh cilantro 
lime wedges, for serving

  1. Whisk peanut butter, soy sauce, honey, water, and sesame oil in a small bowl. 
  2. In a large nonstick skillet, heat olive oil over medium heat. Add scallion whites, Serrano pepper, ginger, and garlic and cook until slightly soft, or about 2 minutes. Add chicken and cook until cooked through, about 3–4 minutes. 
  3. Add the peanut sauce to the chicken mixture and cook until sauce has thickened, about 3 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in jicama and scallion greens. 
  4. Prepare lettuce wraps by dividing rice, chicken mixture, cucumber, and cilantro among the each lettuce leaves. Serve with lime wedge garnish. 
  5. Nutrition Facts (per 2 lettuce wraps with sauce): 495 calories, 19g fat (4g saturated fat), 400mg sodium, 39g carbohydrates (6.5g fiber, 14g total sugar, 8.5g added sugar), 44g protein. 

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This blog was written by Lindsey Recker, MS, Registered Dietitian. To learn more about the NIFS bloggers, click here.

Topics: nutrition healthy eating recipes summer time management fruits and vegetables dinner